If you want something you never had, do something you have never done

If you want something you never had, do something you have never done

Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Housewarming... 2009

So in last year I moved to a bigger house...actually , maybe, a little too big for me, but I LOVE the space. My mom and dad moved to another house on the farm, and I then basically moved into theirs. I decided not to go and buy furniture randomly, except for a lounge set, which I didn't really have to begin with. The house is open, and very simple. Best part was, I now have a shower and a bath...cool. And i have a whole room for my A-frames, my paintings that I am busy with and I can leave everything just the way it is. No need to tidy up after every worksession. The more messy the more arty someone once told me...how true!! So obviously, I had a party with a few of my friends. I had a great time, and I know this could be the house I grow old in...
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